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What Is Network Topology? | Types of Network Topology | Topology Explained


During the installation of a network understanding the pattern and configuration of a network device and system is very important to solve such problems network topology is used which explains the network configuration

network connection and data exchange.


1 – What is Network Topology?

2 – Why Apply Network Topology?

3 – Different Types of Topology?

4 – Which Network Topology of Choose


1 – What is Network Topology?

It is referred to as an arrangement of multiple systems and network devices interconnected to each other,


through a physical medium or logical channel.


The term network topology is combination of two individual network concept,


1st Network Part


which represents the devices or systems that are also known as nodes.


which is connected and how to change the data within the network.


2nd Topology


which represents the connection medium between different network devices and governs the data flow between them,


2 – Why Apply Network Topology?

Advantages of  Network: The first point it allows the users to understand the overall model of the network along with the number of devices installed and their positions in the network,


which provide ease of installation of security measures and network and helps in case of troubleshooting cases.


understand  Network Concept: The next reason applying network topology helps the user to understand the communication relationship among the different devices and through a connection medium.


this in turn helps the network professionals to set up an optimal network unit for the user.


3 – Different Types of Topology? 

1 - Bus Topology.

2 - Ring Topology

3 - Star Topology

4 - Tree Topology and

5 - Mesh Topology


but to understand the concept of topology


Start by point-to-point topology this is simpler form of topology connection,


which consists of two nodes connected through a connection medium like a network cable,


the nodes at the two ends of the cable shares data information between them,


where the data sharing part represents the network and the cable connection is the topology part,


with this we have understanding of network topology,


then let's begin with complex types of tech connections



1 - Bus Topology.


in this topology the connection channel is a single cable known as the network backbone through which all the other nodes are connected to,


in this network setting the data packets sent by the nodes are provided with the receiver address to avoid transmission errors,


the data in this topology can travel from any end point,


where they are termed as terminate points.


Advantages of bus topology


Essay Installaction, it is easy to set up due to the simple configuration settings,


Cost Effctive, this setting is also cost effective as it requires only a network cable for the connection,


Prevent Network failure, in the case of kreshnot the whole network remains unaffected, as it does

not have any direct connection to the other node,


Disadvantages of bus topology


Complex troubleshooting, In case of troubleshooting we require

the use of special equipment to detect

the fault in the network.


Network Interference, In the case of multiple data transmission the packet collision is the frequent occurrence damaging the transmitted message data.


Loss of Data, Due to the unavailability of network devices such as switches repeaters etc, the loss of data over long distances communication is quite high.



2 - Ring Topology


As the name suggests the node in the network are connected in a circular pattern similar to a ring.


the data transmitted in this connection is always in the clockwise direction.


the topology does not have any termination point due to its ring structure.


the method of data transmission is used is known as token passing,


which involves sending a token along with the data packet to which each of the node matches to identify the destination node using the destination address in the token.


Advantages of ring topology


Batter Network Management,the crash node can be easily removed from the network,


Eassy Installaction,  the configuration settings are not complex for setup and materials are easily accessible.


Cost Effective, the cost of installation is low as no extra network device are required to the connection.


Disadvantages of ring topology


Network Crach, In the case of a node crash the whole system is affected and is non accessible due to the direct connection of each node.


Slow Data Transfer, the transfer of data is low due to the token passing method in the network.


Problem troubleshooting , Difficulty in the troubleshooting fault in the connection leads to the trash of the whole network.


3 - Star Topology


this topology the networks are connected to each other through the central hub,


which can be a computer or a server,


the central unit in the connection is also known as the server and the nodes are known as the clients,


any connection between the node has to be through the server and is one of the most popular topology connection.


Advantages of star topology


Low Error Chance, In case of a node crash the network as a whole remains unaffected as each node is connected to the server of a connection.


Essay troubleshooting, The hardware requirements are easily available and of low cost.


Efficient Speed, Troubleshooting is easy through the use of central hub to identify the faulty node.


Disadvantages of star topology


Central Hub Failure, In case of a server failure the whole network is shut down as all nodes are interconnected through the server.


Connection Issue, The connection configuration is complex due to the pattern of the typology




4 - Tree Topology


This topology is a combination of tar and bus topology,


the node connection in the topology follows hierarchal pattern,


with the topmost node as the root and the branching node as the child node,


the sharing of data is from the root node to the child node pattern,


Advantages of tree Topology


Eassy Installaction, Installation of a new network group is easy due to the root child configuration of the network.


Effective Troubleshooting, In case of a node fault or trash the whole network is not affected by the error this makes it easier to troubleshoot the issue.


Disadvantages of tree Topology


Crash in central unit, In case of a server crash in any of the star connection groups the whole network is affected.


Security Measues, due to the complex setting of the topology installing security points is difficult in the network.


Complex Network, Configuring and troubleshooting internal issues is quite complex due to this topology.


5 -  Mesh Topology


As the name suggests this topology is a connection of interconnected system,


connected to each other in no particular order.


No installation of network devices such as switch or hubs, 

this topology pattern can be divided into two forms.


Full match topology in this connection all the nodes are connected to each other in the network.


Partial mesh topology where all of the nodes are connected to each other available in the network.


Advantages of mesh topology


Less Damage, In case of node damage the whole network does not suffer from the fault.


High Speed Transmission, Due to the interconnected patterns of the connection the transmission of data is very high in the network.


Disadvantages of mesh topology


High Cost, The cost of installation is high due to the requirement of multiple cables and nodes for the network to function efficiently,


Network Management, The management of the network becomes complex due to the large number of interconnections in the network.


Complex Connection, Due to the absence of repeater or a switch the data signal loss during the transmission is very high.


4 – Which Network Topology of Choose


Cost Effective, the installation cost is one of the biggest factors that affects the type of topology configuration we choose from our network,


As the cost of installing cables routers switches and other network connections is slow.


Easy Installation, installing the hardware devices efficiently and precisely is also one of the factors that affect our choice of network topology.


Flexibility the ability of the topology to include new network nodes after installation and ease of troubleshooting refers to the flexibility of topology.


Reliable Security, it is important that the topology installed allows us to introduce proper security points in the network and leading the fewer cash cases by referring the above factors we can decide the best topology for our network.

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