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Switching Techniques In Networking | Explained Circuit, Message and Packet Switching


With the increase in the sharing of data and information online,

there is a need to maintain proper routing and efficient data transmission from sender to the receiver node,


1 - What are switching techniques?

2 - Why apply switching techniques? and

3 - Types of switching techniques


1 - What Are Switching Techniques


Switching techniques are network techniques responsible for overseeing the transmission of data over different communication channels,


they are also responsible for choosing the best route for data transfer,


2 - Why Apply Switching Techniques?


Using the switching techniques we can choose the best and the most efficient route for data transfer in the network,


for example if we want to send some data from node a to node b,


we can do so by moving from node a to a switch then node d then to node b,


but doesn't this seems like too long this is where the switching techniques plays its role,


using the switching technique we can choose the smallest and the most efficient way that is node a switch then to the node b,


3 - Types Of Switching Techniques


Switching techniques can be divided into three primary types,


1 - Circuit switching

That requires a predestined path for data transmission.


2 - Message switching

Which integrates the destination address with the data for transmission.


3 - Packet switching

That divides its message into smaller units known as packets.


Packet switching can further be divided  into two different types that are

virtual switching, and

data ground switching.


Detail of Types of Switching


1 - Circuit Switching


In circuit switching for data transmission to occur,  


a pre-established path is required between the sender and the receiver node.


for example assume that we call someone then this request is sent over to the network switches,


and the route is to be established for the signal to pass through.


after that system assigns a route for the signal to pass through then the receiver receives the call from the caller side, this is how it works.


Let's look into some points to remember about circuit switching for circuit switching we require a dedicated channel established between the source and the destination node for the network to pass through,


the data transmission can take place only after the path is established,


Point to remember


The sender and the destination node no node can interfere with the transmission of data to the established route.


Let's look at some advantages and disadvantages of applying circuit switching in a network.




Data transmission in circuit switching is sure to be established due to the predestined path,


Circuit switching is preferred for long and continuous transmission of data due to the pre-established path route.




The time required to establish the connection is quite long due to the time required to establish a path,


also due to the continuous transmission of data in circuit switching more bandwidth is required for maintaining the connection.


2 - Message Switching


In message switching no predestined path is established between the sender and the destination node in the message.


This technique integrates the destination address into the data transmitted and shared over the network.


let's look into the setup to better understand the working of message switching.


for first step the center node integrates the destination address into the message,


then the whole message is transmitted to the switching node in the network,


where it gets stored for the next transmission,


and similarly like the second step this transmission of data is done over the whole network,


and finally through the destination address in the data it reaches the receiver's node,


this is how the message switching works.


Points to remember


In message switching no predestined path is established,


It uses dynamic routing as the message is transmitted through the communication channel in real time,


the each node in network switching stores the data unless it is transferred over to the next switch node,




The size of the data that can be transmitted over method switching is variable,


In message switching the use of bandwidth is done in an efficient manner.




For message switching the nodes that are known as the switch node is to be provided with sufficient storage memory.


There is a delay in reaching the destination due to the message technique,


that is the message has to stop at each of the switch node before it is transferred over to the destination node.


3 - Packet Switching


In packet switching the message is broken into smaller data units known as packets.


These packets are appended with relevant network details for the transmission over the network.


Let's look into the working of packet switching


we know that in packet switching the data is broken into smaller units packets.


Which each packet is given a sequence number for identification,


these packets are integrated with required sender and receiver address and switching method to choose the smallest route to reach the destination node,


these packets are then recombined at the destination node in the correct sequence order.


Points to remember


For packet switching all the data packets that are provided with unique number for identification at the receiver end that is.


One two three and four in the previous example we just used,


packet switching chooses the most shortest path possible for the data to reach the destination end,


In case we have unreached packet or some unattained packet,  


the whole message from the sender side is sent again to the receiver end.




It provides re-routing in case the network node is busy,

it also allows multiple user to access the same network and no predestined path is needed,




The protocols that are needed for the working of packet switching is very complex,


There are often cases of loss of data packets during the transmission in case of overloading or corruption of data.


with this we have understood how our data is transmitted over different communication channels and how to choose the most efficient path to reach the destination end.

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