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What Is AR And VR | Virtual Reality And Augmented Reality Explained


Science and technology create inventions to make things easier more convenient and save time,


Innovation and invention of new technology enable things better and help to refine the existing ones,


Life without technology would be unimaginable in modern days,  


as technology is everywhere around us,


right from handle gadgets to reality technologies robotics and many more.


AR and VR stand first to occupy most aspects among the vast empire of reality technologies,


In the last few decades the Ryzen technology has been at its peak in information and i.t,


Technologies including


Cloud computing


Machine learning


Artificial intelligence


Deep learning


Big data and many more have occupied most aspects of our lives,


one such technology is ar and vr.


we will be looking  

  • Introduction to VR and AR
  • Applications of VR AR
  • Vr Vs AR and
  • Advantages and disadvantages of VR/AR
  • Companies Using and Hiring VR/VR


Introduction to VR and AR


What is VR?


VR stands for virtual reality where users immerse themselves in a specifically designed or simulated environment for a specific purpose for example






Games etc are explored without borders and boundaries in 360 degrees.






Conducting academic activities like


Field trips,


Visit to museums, and


Historical eras is now easy,


via vr to conduct virtuality with no change in common factors.




Towards healthcare analysis and research on medical terms via has made medicine practitioners enter the next level to avoid direct contact with harmful substances and hazardous risk factors.




Real-time experience of fictional characters or sci-fi movies animations and motions can be experienced by all with the use of vr in the field of entertainment.


Automotive Industry


Prototyping cars help the automotive industry to avoid multiple designs and reduce resources to maximum via virtual designs via vr.




In terms of defense user vr helps a brave men to experience the battlefield environments in real time to avoid unconditional situations in reality.


Digital Marketing


Towards marketing vr promotes products where consumers can look and feel the product in real time via a 360 degree view,


which helps in better marketing.




What is AR?


AR stands for augmented reality which adds digital content in a real physical world without any difference in overall aspects of the content,


for example consider adding a sofa in a small space where you can place a digital sofa in the same space to check the look and feel without any difference in its position placement etc.



Applications of AR


Unlike via air has its applicative fields


AR Glasses


Combining virtual information with real-world sensors with no change in overall aspects to experience the liveliness of objects and entities.


Medical Imaging


its use in medical systems for medical imaging helps analyze diseases with precise information without any need of sample traces of it.




In the field of entertainment AR augments the entertainment industry with its eye gazing filters right from




Snapchat and many more




In terms of tourism er based travel apps help explore destinations,


for example google maps which provides precise information with available nearest spots with necessary goods and services.




AR-based apps like google earth provides search capabilities in the three-dimensional view enhancing,


as an upgrade towards education.


Design and Modeling


it helps professionals visualize their final products without developing them or producing them with the concept of try and use or prototyping towards designing and modeling.



VR Versus AR







VR is completely virtual with

its environment

AR uses real-world entities like a combination of both

virtual and real elements


Vr users are controlled by the system as the sinking of the environment plays a

major role in real time.

ar users

can control their presence in the real world.


Vr requires compatible devices like a headset device

AR is accessible right from your smartphone.


VR only enhances a fictional reality as it is composed of a specifically designed environment

AR enhances both virtual and real-world environments.




Advantages & disadvantages of VR and AR technology


Advantages of AR


When it comes to AR here is more advantageous as educating oneself with real hands-on experience increases user knowledge the same way as AR is everywhere today from google maps to simulation games including knowledge and user experience.


Sharing knowledge and experience without the physical hindrances like distance a physical element presence etc.


AR is an inexpensive alternative to other media platforms where ar effects are a combined part of most social media apps from








Youtube etc


Advantages of VR


virtual reality in every field makes the process easy and comfortable,


example medical training eliminates the need for a natural element.


with vr users can experiment with artificial environments eliminating boundaries and the need for an actual workspace.


via is composed of a specifically designed environment to avoid misuse of users information avoid data loss and maintain their privacy.



Disadvantages of AR


AR is quite expensive making it less accessible in use,


it can lead to use in inappropriate



causing harm as it's quite common to

access right from a smartphone.


AR technology is not equipped with security,


Intruders can hack air based devices and manipulate them according to their needs,


Disadvantages of VR


In terms of VR any technology in its early stages makes it feel not easy and the same is the case with vr.


Due to its rapid growth programmers find it difficult and search for ways to

interact with virtual environments,


Maximum use of vr makes one addicted to living in the virtual world instead of the real one.


VR software also takes up a lot of space and requires a lot of computing power compared to other devices.


We are discussing ar and vr technology but are ar and vr booming the industry,


No in addition to ar and vr there exist other reality technologies like,


Mr which stand for mixed reality and


XR so which is known as extended reality which exist in the modern world.


What is MX or Mixed Reality?


Mixed reality is reality takes all these user experiences to the next level with a combination of holographic models and real world scenarios.


What is XR or Extended Reality?


Extended reality is the combination of all the led technologies including of AR VR and MR.


for example a mobile chipset both to track your health and power graphics for gaming.



Companies Using and Hiring VR/VR



Our company is using and hiring ar and

vr the answer is obviously yes,


These technologies are a part of our

daily lives included as a part of Social Media Artificial intelligence companies like


Microsoft the hologram environment can be used with hololens to project to display information.


They can also help blend with the real world or even simulate virtual objects.


Google uses ar in its product like google maps google lens and many more to

simulate search results,




Volkswagen and


Mercedes-benz these automotive industries use ar featuring fully automated cars which are controlled via gestures and voice control.

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